Tuesday, September 29, 2020


By Cathy Ramsey

I have always been a worrier. I’ve often used the excuse that I’m not worrying; I’m “mitigating risk”. (Mitigating risk was a huge factor in my job. It meant looking ahead and trying to calculate what could happen, so you had a work-around plan in case the worst happened.) When I worry, Jim often tells me, “You are buying trouble.” I think he means I am worrying about something that probably won’t happen, so I am damaging my joy for no good reason.

So, I am damaging my joy when I don’t need to. I don’t need to worry because God has my back, if only I take the time to give my concerns to him. As I focus on putting God first in my life and living in God’s unconditional love, I am learning that worry is a very costly habit that not only takes away my joy but pulls me away from God.

I have spent more time succumbing to the paralysis of anxious worry and self-indulgent fretting than I have walking with God through the situations in life that make me fearful. If I would only turn to God and rely on Scripture, I could save myself a lot of time and a lot of “good living” by seeking God’s word to bring me hope and calm and peace.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7, NASB)

When I am anxious, I am not helpful to anyone, especially me. It makes me neglect those I love, those that need me, and those that bring me happiness. I am starting to learn about and believe in the power of prayer more and more every day. Prayer, not merely for personal improvement, but by believing in and seeing how God hears my prayers and makes things happen. God changes lives through prayer, not merely improves them. By walking with God, we can achieve a transformation of will and character.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2, KJV)

My stress and worry are exacerbated by my expectations that there’s a solution for my problems that doesn’t involve God. I can be so stubborn in my desire to solve my problems myself instead of turning to God. It would be so much better if my first inclination would be to turn to God in prayer, asking for his will in my decision, asking for his blessings instead of worrying.

Come unto me, all that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28, KJV)

I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So do not be troubled or afraid. (John 14:27, NLT)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you now. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way. (Proverbs 3:5-6, GNT)

I think most of us really want to believe that good can happen, but we are afraid to hope for it. We often protect ourselves by preparing for the worst and refusing to believe our situations can improve, our loved ones can change, or that healing can come to those who are suffering. This process creates a level of stress and anxiety, as we are constantly struggling internally with discouragement and mulling over negative thoughts.

To hope in God is to believe in spiritual power. When we hope for the economy to improve or our political system to come through for us, we are putting our faith in human institutions which will inevitably let us down. When we hope that God will deliver on his promises then we can trust that no person or system can interfere with that. Putting our faith in God will never steer us wrong.

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men struggle and fall; but those that hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles: they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:30-31, NIV)

In closing, though I personally have to relearn this over and over again, God’s will is:

Jesus taught his disciples, saying, “Listen to me. Never let anxiety enter your hearts. Never worry about any of your needs, such as food or clothing. For your life is infinitely more than just food or the clothing you wear." (Luke 12:22-23, TPT)

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