Wednesday, April 15, 2020


By Bruce Spear

Someone has said that joy is the default setting of the human heart: that is the way God made us. And that is what was restored to us in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus on the third day. Joy was the legacy Jesus left his disciples when he said, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” And joy has been the theme of the saints over the centuries. Take a minute this morning to ponder their words and allow the Spirit of God to fill you with his love, joy and peace.

“Never let anything so fill you with sorrow as to make you forget the joy of Christ risen.” Mother Teresa

“Laugh. Be joyful though you have considered all the facts... Practice resurrection.” Wendell Berry

“The beating heart of the universe is holy joy.” Martin Buber

“The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything.” Julian of Norwich
“Joy is an intermezzo of gratitude that interrupts the routine motion of life.” Lewis B. Smedes

“Joy is a mystery because it can happen anywhere, anytime, even under the most unpromising circumstances, even in the midst of suffering, with tears in its eyes.... We have God’s joy in our blood.” Frederick Buechner

“We rejoice and delight in you; we will praise your love more than wine.” Song of Songs 1:4

Bernard of Clairvaux who lived in the 12th century, spent a good portion of his life reading and reflecting on the Song of Songs and the joy the believer finds in being loved by the King. And he authored the well-known hymn “Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts.”

Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts,
Thou Fount of life, Thou Light of men,
From the best bliss that earth imparts,
We turn unfilled to Thee again.

Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood;
Thou savest those that on Thee call;
To them that seek Thee Thou art good,
To them that find Thee all in all.

We taste Thee, O Thou living Bread,
And long to feast upon Thee still;
We drink of Thee, the Fountainhead,
And thirst our souls from Thee to fill.

Our restless spirits yearn for Thee,
Wherever our changeful lot is cast;
Glad when Thy gracious smile we see,
Blessed when our faith can hold Thee fast.

O Jesus, ever with us stay,
Make all our moments calm and bright;
Chase the dark night of sin away,
Shed over the world Thy holy light.

Let us pray with John Baillie as we begin our day:

O God, immortal, eternal, invisible. I remember with gladness and thanksgiving all that you have been to this world of our human existence. You are the companion of the brave, the upholder of the loyal, a light to the wanderer, the joy of the pilgrim, a guide for the pioneer, a help to the laborer, a refuge to the broken-hearted, a deliverer of the oppressed, the succor of the tempted, the strength of the victorious, the ruler of rulers, a friend to the poor, the rescuer of those who perish, and the hope of the dying. I renounce all proud self-dependence and put my trust in you. Amen.

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