Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Release, Receive, Return

 By Donna Winchell 

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”  (Matthew 11:28-30, MSG)

During our Fall retreat at the Franciscan Retreat Center, I had the opportunity to walk the labyrinth at the back of the campus. It was a very narrow pathway constructed with stones. It had only one entrance, then moved back and forth through a series of curves ending in the center – the heart of the labyrinth – a place for prayer, meditation and centering on God. Moving back and forth, I returned from the center to the entrance, which was now the exit, back to my daily routine.

Looking back on this spiritual experience, I realize that the labyrinth walk is a perfect metaphor for our human journey through life, full of twists and turns, long stretches, then more twists and turns, but never a dead end; just a path leading to the center and back. It requires making no decisions, just trusting in God’s guidance the whole time.

The labyrinth walk involves several stages which seem perfect for this Lenten season. As we walk, we are seeking God’s guidance and direction along the journey; moving towards Him while opening our hearts to His love and mercy. It is a time to Release, a time to Receive, and a time to Return.  

Walking with God in the labyrinth, taking time to meditate and pray, is our opportunity to leave behind anything that is not God. It is a contemplative time when we are able to release to God our anxiety and burdens, and to share our joys and needs with Him. It is a time to receive God’s blessings and all of the love God so wants to share. It is a time to return with gratitude knowing God is guiding us through all of the random twists and turns, providing us strength and support as we exit once again to our everyday busy lives.

If you desire a means for growing closer to God this Lent, join me in stepping into the labyrinth. Invite God to walk with you as you meditate and pray. You can walk the labyrinth with your mind and your heart, or you can use the image on this devotional to trace the labyrinth with your finger.

Start by moving inward, “walking” slowly, clearing your mind, meditating, praying, asking God your questions and listening for His response until you reach the center. In the center of the labyrinth, take as much time as you want with God, and then begin moving slowly outward. Upon exiting the labyrinth, thank God for walking with you and ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to serve others and to prepare you to be His light to the world. Take some time to reflect on your walk and journal your experience, and ask yourself what else is God inviting you to do.  

Walking the labyrinth at Lent, and throughout the year, provides the opportunity to pray and notice how God is present with us, releasing anything that is hindering our relationship with Him and providing a chance to welcome a new way of staying closer.

Let’s Pray: Almighty God, we are so grateful for this opportunity to release all that is within us on our winding journey to You. We have emerged enriched by Your blessings and Your love. May we continue to savor this special time, remembering that You always guide us on our straight paths and through all the twists and turns that we encounter. We know that we forever belong to You. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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