Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Because He Lives

By Marilyn Travis

About three years ago this week I was keeping vigil at Mom’s house. She has been on my mind. She died quietly on October 10, 2017. My thoughts of Mom don’t make me sad. They make me smile inside and out.

Mom was a character. I’ve told many stories about Mom. Stories such as Mom taking Robert and me, when we were little, downtown to wait for Dad to walk out of his office. While waiting we chewed gum and threw it onto the sidewalk, making predictions about who might step on it and what their reaction would be.

Once Mom and Dad invited their Bible study group over for dinner, then served them spaghetti and meatballs with no silverware, just breadsticks. Everyone was issued a trash bag to wear over their clothing during dinner. Ice cream with a cookie were served for dessert. I can still hear the laughter!

When Mom got her first power chair, she really had some adventures. Once, in a very nice restaurant, she caught a tablecloth with her chair and pulled it onto the floor along with everything on the table. Luckily nobody was occupying that space. She also got trapped in the Men’s room during a dinner, having bumped the door open and entered. She soon realized her predicament, but she couldn’t open the door in the other direction to get out!

I could make this a very long document if I recalled all of Mom’s antics. She was a joyful person. She loved life, family, friends, music, her piano and baton students, and cats. She also loved her Lord Jesus Christ.

I have always been inspired by Mom’s spirit of joy. She raised two children with developmental disabilities, owned and operated her own baton, piano and instrumental studio, worked as an etching artist for Van Briggle Pottery, led several MS groups and Bible studies and still found time to explore nature with Dad in their motorhome. She accomplished these things while battling MS, breast cancer, osteoporosis, mini strokes, thyroid and blood pressure issues. She was often almost defeated physically and spiritually by her debilitating health issues.

Mom said she never asked, “Why me?” but rather, “Why not me?” She trusted the Lord to get her through each day and considered each day to be a blessing. She said every person can do something for the Lord. She opened her home to Bible studies even when she wasn’t feeling well enough to attend herself. She trusted her friends to get themselves a snack and take care of everything. There was no need to cancel or change locations just because she couldn’t participate. She was thankful to have a home she could offer. She taught me to look for blessings every day.

In the two or three years before Mom’s death she spoke often of her excitement about Heaven. She could hardly wait to get there! She asked me to imagine having booked the dream vacation of a lifetime. Imagine that dream vacation was already paid in full, would never end, and all I had to do was go. ”That,” she said, “is what Heaven is to me.”

Two of Mom’s favorite Bible verses were from Isaiah.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

I am so very thankful for my Mom. The song Because He Lives has been running through my head all week. It has been a blessing to me. I hope it will bless you as well. 

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