Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Prince of Peace

By Barb Batt

Peace. How we all yearn for peace during these times of Covid, political divisions, and racial unrest.

I have found peace by walking miles and miles on the dirt roads and paths of Elizabeth with close friends. The beautiful scenery and being outdoors has made me feel closer to God. Being outside with nature also feels like things are almost normal.

I have found peace by staying in the Word. I have noticed that if I don't have my devotional in the morning, I feel off the rest of the day. Negative thoughts and feelings seems to bombard me. By not being in the word, my armor is weakened and my peace gone. I have always admired people who can write so well about their walk with God. Their messages really impact me some days, and it feels like they are speaking directly to me.

I have found peace by being with my grandchildren who are ages 5 and 7. When I watch them play and hear them laugh, I feel hope for our future. I know in my heart that God is in control, and he will take care of us.

I have found peace in the company of my animals. I can hug them without fear. I trust them completely, and experience their loyalty to me. They remind me to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

When I read about what our descendants went through during past wars, I am reminded that the hard times will pass, and people will be able to move forward. When I read about the trials past generations faced, I am humbled and I want to be stronger during these present challenges. 

One of my favorite devotional writers is Sarah Young. Her following devotion on December 2 from Jesus Calling really speaks to the message of Peace.

"I am the Prince of Peace. As I said to My disciples, I say also to you:  Peace be with you. Since I am your constant Companion, My Peace is steadfastly with you. When you keep your focus on Me, you experience both My Presence and My Peace. Worship Me as King of kings, Lord of lords, and Prince of Peace.

You need My Peace each moment to accomplish My purposes in your life. Sometimes you are tempted to take shortcuts, in order to reach your goal as quickly as possible. But if the shortcut requires turning your back on My peaceful Presence, you must choose the longer route. Walk with Me along paths of Peace; enjoy the journey in My Presence."

"When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you." After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you."  John 20:19-21.

Heavenly Father,

Please send your Holy Spirit to help us during these difficult days. Empower us to spread the gift of true peace, so more lives may be touched by the peace of Christ.


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